A WAY OF LOVE: finest homosexual novel since A Heart In Exile. Send $3.75 to


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Dear ONE:

I was very pleased with each issue of ONE during the past twelve months. Of course. you deal with the subject in another way than. we French do. The approach of ARCADIE, in Paris, suits me much better than yours intellectually, but yours for every-day life is better because we live among 180 million Englishspeaking people on this continent. You're doing a fine job to broaden the minds of the puritan American people.

Mr. A.



I have received your notice of expiration of my subscription with the December issue. I have decided to discontinue it not because I find any fault with your editorial policy or with the magazine as a whole. It is just that I have reached the age (37) where I no longer feel I need to dwell upon something that I have become sufficiently adjusted to to no longer need anything like ONE. I am sure it must be a great help to younger men, but frankly, I stopped reading it some months. ago. Wishing you continued success and trusting you will continue.

Dear Mr. Slater:

Mr. F.


Just finished reading the January issue and would especially like to note our pleasure in reading "Swish or Swim," by D. B. Vest, and "Moment of Truth," by Arnell Larsen. Certainly the Vest article gives much food for thought, and let's have more "Mission" stories by Arnell Larsen.


Dear Fellows:

I continue to believe in miracles, for this morning-in a far from festive frame of mind, ONE Confidential lay waiting (properly sealed, of course) in my mailbox. More than ever it seemed like a good long letter from an old friend. Therapeutically it was wonderful. Especially exciting was the program for the Midwinter Institute. Nothing but "an act of God" shall keep me away.

Mr. H.



I offer my congratulations upon the addition of Blanche Baker's column to your magazine. It has become a truism with me that the less a psychiatrist knows about the homosexual the quicker he rushes into print to parade his ignorance and lack of experience. It is a great pleasure to encounter a psychiatrist who knows his subject, as do Dr. Baker and Dr. Karl Bowman. I shall look forward with pleasure to reading the column. Mr. P.



Congratulations on the continued growth of ONE magazine, as well as your other valuable publications. Seven years of service is but the beginning. The world so badly needs education in the field you people are interested in! Your Midwinter Institute sounds most worthy; only wish time would permit attending. Perhaps next year . . . Best regards to the dedicated staff of ONE-especially Eve Elloree. Her talents are priceless.


Mr. A.


Would love to be there at the Midwinter Institute, but unfortunately time and money keeps me away. My thoughts will be with your all. May these functions prove a blessing to those who participate.

Mr. L.


Dear Editor:

Congratulations on your new department, "Toward Understanding." I am confident that many of your readers will find new hope, encouragement, and inspiration in this series of articles. Especially those who live in the more isolated regions.

Certainly, those of us who know Dr. Baker personally realize that you could not have chosen a better person to conduct the new column. Her insight into this particular problem is nothing short of amazing. This is evidenced in her letter of acceptance.

It is to be hoped that many homosexuals who are now confused, afraid and bewildered will find the understanding they need because of the new department of your Magazine.

Rick Hooper, Chairman

Mattachine Society

